A 16-year-old patient, Tarik Anwar, was brought to me by his father on February 5, 2014. He had been experiencing pain and swelling in his left testis, along with nausea and vomiting, since January 28, 2014, and these symptoms were progressively worsening despite standard treatment. The surgeon recommended an ultrasound, which showed ‘Torsion of testis with reactive hydrocele and spermatocele,’ and instructed the patient’s family to get ready for immediate surgery. They sought the opinion of another surgeon who prescribed painkillers and recommended surgery. Scared, they sought my advice on the date mentioned above.
In the early stages, he experienced frequent vomiting accompanied by pain. The left testis was larger than a ‘hen’s egg’ and painful when he initially sought my consultation. I couldn’t gather any additional symptoms aside from pain, swelling, nausea, and occasionally vomiting. When I asked about the patient’s feelings concerning the pain and swelling of the testis, he responded by stating, “Doc, I am experiencing intense pain and swelling, and it feels like my testis has twisted to the right side.” I focused primarily on one symptom that I deemed very significant, namely the sensation that his testis was twisting toward the right side. Synthesis Repertorium Homeopathicum Syntheticum included only one remedy, ‘Ipecac’, in the section ‘Male genitalia, twisting sensation of testes’.
February 5, 2014: I recommended Ipecac 30/9 doses three times a day for 3 days, in addition to Nihilinum 30 for a duration of 7 days.
February 11, 2014: Pain and swelling significantly decreased, so I recommended Sac lac 30 for 14 days only. However, the patient remained quiet for a month since he experienced no pain or swelling.
March 10, 2014: He experienced no pain or swelling, even though I recommended Ipecac 30/6 doses three times a day for two days and sac lac for an additional 14 days, hoping to prevent any recurrence.
Since then, he has been leading a normal life without any pain or swelling until I document this case report. Today I reached out to his father by phone, and he is doing well.