Ms. Bina Roy (name altered upon request) is a young woman who approached me on August 25, 2013. She has a son who is over 9 years old. After a year and a half, they chose to pursue another pregnancy issue but have been unable to attain clinical pregnancy for eight years despite having unprotected intercourse. After eight prolonged years of being unable to conceive, she decides to explore different infertility clinics. In 2009, she had surgery for a uterine cyst. She maintained a steady union status without contraception and held a strong wish for another child, but sadly, nothing has occurred. Several infertility clinics suggested she try a ‘test tube baby,’ but she declined. Thus, she approached me on the mentioned date based on the recommendation of another patient.
I gathered the subsequent symptoms:
- She experienced lower abdominal pain and headaches for an extended period.
- She experienced discomfort in both knees.
- She didn’t sweat much.
- She enjoyed salt, eggs, and spicy dishes.
- She was afraid of thieves and snakes.
- She was so scared that she couldn’t stay in the room alone at night.
- She longed for companionship.
- Her manner is sudden and harsh, yet loving.
- Her menstrual cycle was consistent, enduring for 7 days but was painful and dark in color.
I considered these symptoms for repertorisation:
- Abruptly loving but harsh
- Fear of thieves and snakes
- Wanting company at night.
These symptoms pointed solely to pulsatilla. So, I prescribed those medications in 6 doses at 30th potency during the first visit, together with sac lactis. And it worked. She began to feel better, and her knee discomfort, headache, and stomach pain were almost gone.
October 6, 2013: Her pregnancy test showed a positive result in her urine, but sadly, she experienced a miscarriage within a week.
December 1, 2013: I prescribed calc carb 30th potency based on the symptoms of craving eggs and salt, fear of snakes, and anxiety in darkness. Subsequently, I administered the same medication, pulsatilla, after a lengthy interval, and she once more ceased menstruating in February 2014; her urine pregnancy test taken on March 1, 2014, returned positive. Her last menstrual period began on January 10, 2014.
September 28, 2014: She delivered a baby boy via caesarian section. The mother and child have both been doing well.