A 14-year-old patient named Semali Khatun was taken to my clinic by her father on October 14, 2001, because her right eye was slowly bulging from the bony socket or orbit. Her eye began to bulge for 8 months, and it was painless. After a wait of 3-4 months, her father brought her daughter to an eye specialist who recommended a CT scan of the right orbit. The report indicated ‘Tumor in the Retrobulbar area.’ The eye specialist sent her to Calcutta for improved treatment. However, the patient’s family chose to pursue homeopathy before surgery, so they approached me based on their relatives’ recommendations. I couldn’t find any other symptoms associated with the above tumour besides the protrusion of the right eye. There was no pain. However, she was concerned about her facial deformity, that’s all.
I gathered various general and mental symptoms that would assist in choosing homeopathic medicine, for instance:
- She couldn’t endure heat and preferred to bathe frequently, even during winter.
- She had a strong craving for water and also enjoyed salt and fish.
She cried readily whenever her father scolded or critiqued her. - She was quite sweet and kind, yet stubborn.
- She was very afraid of ghosts, dead bodies, and thunderstorms.
- Menstruation was abundant, painless, irregular, and lasted 4 days.
I utilised these rubrics for repertorization:
- Gentle children
- Crying children in
- Fear of ghosts and thunderstorms.
I opted to use Lycopodium or Sepia based on those guidelines. However, I found it impossible to resist the urge to prescribe her Thuja, since Phatak’s repertory included just one remedy under the category ‘Eye protruding from tumour behind eyeball’.
Prescription overview:
October 14, 2001: Thuja 200/4 doses were prescribed, then sac lac for 14 days.
October 28, 2001: The patient reported feeling improved; the bulging of her eyeball decreased, so the treatment given was sac lactis 200 for 14 days. However, the patient stopped coming to see me for 3 months because she was nearly fine.
January 25, 2002: She returned to my clinic due to a recurrence of the eyeball protrusion. On that day, I administered the next higher potency, that is, Thuja occ 1m/3 doses, followed by sac lactis for a duration of 14 days.
Since her most recent prescription, she has been living a normal life. I needed to give her sac lactic for an additional 3 months, and I requested a CT scan of the right orbit, which she underwent, and the results were normal.