A 32-year-old patient, Mr. Khan, visited my clinic for a consultation on February 25, 2007, complaining of intense stabbing chest pain when inhaling, accompanied by a low-grade fever. He received conventional medical treatment for 2 years with minimal results. He wasn’t able to lie on his left side since it worsened the chest pain. His prior examination indicated it was a situation of pneumonitis in the right infra-hilar area.
On that initial day, he experienced intense stitching pain during deep inhalation; his pulse was at 100 beats per minute, his respiration rate was 32 breaths per minute, and the patient appeared anxious. He asked, ‘Doctor, could I be cured with your homeopathic medicines?’ I promised him that he would be healed. Indeed, he was addicted to smoking and also spent several years working in a Bidi Factory. During the initial visit, I requested some tests to confirm the diagnosis. The inquiry revealed that he had pulmonary tuberculosis.
I recommended him to a chest specialist because I generally avoid treating pulmonary tubercular cases. The chest specialist began administering anti-tubercular medication. However, the pain intensified significantly after continuing the ATD for a week. The patient returned to my clinic seeking homeopathic assistance. At his persistent urging, I was compelled to prescribe some homeopathic pills that saved him from the brink of death.
I experienced the following homeopathic symptoms:
- He feared death and believed he would die alone.
- He deeply craved companionship, despite feeling satisfied when his little child was nearby.
- He enjoyed chilled food and cold beverages.
- Chest pain worsened when lying on the left side.
March 3, 2007: I recommended Phosphorus 30/9 doses, then Nihilinum 30 for a week.
March 10, 2007: Pain was reduced by 80%, and the patient experienced relief in every aspect. The homeopathic remedy ‘Nihilinum’ was randomly prescribed for an additional month.I finished his treatment on May 31, 2008. During that time, I needed to prescribe phosphorus again at a prolonged interval of up to 1m potency. At one point, I needed to give Tuberculinum 200 to eliminate the miasmatic dyscrasia. I maintained frequent communication with him, and he is doing well up to now.