Juhina Khatun, 23 years old, visited our clinic on October 6, 2015, accompanied by her mother and husband for infertility treatment. She had been married for 5 years yet could not attain clinical pregnancy despite a normal married life. Her reports were typical except for oligomenorrhea. Menstrual cycles were delayed, minimal, painful, and lasted 3 to 4 days. For the past 6 months, she has experienced a headache accompanied by fever once a month, which worsens at night.
The additional symptoms that assist us in choosing homeopathic medicine included:
- She experiences excessive sweating.
- She enjoys eggs and prefers cold foods.
- She feels hardly any thirst or none at all.
- The fear of darkness and spirits was quite significant.
So, I recommended Pulsatilla 30/6, followed by Nihilinum for a month.
November 2, 2015: She indicated some progress. After taking that medicine, she began to menstruate at regular intervals. I must reiterate that the treatment followed homeopathic principles, and after three months, she experienced a missed menstruation in January 2016, prompting a pregnancy test that resulted positive.
She encountered no issues and reached out twice throughout her pregnancy. Finally, she delivered a son on October 7, 2016. Currently, both the mother and the baby are doing great.