Sahanaj Begum, a 13-year-old girl, was brought to my clinic by her mother on November 18, 2013. She has experienced bedwetting since birth. The majority of girls and boys cease bedwetting by the age of 6 or 7 years. By the age of ten, nearly all children are night-time dry. However, this patient was unable to cease bedwetting even though no irregularities were found in her examination. Her ultrasound and various blood tests showed normal results. She consulted another doctor for that, but no medication would assist her. One fine morning, her mother was talking to a relative about the issue concerning her daughter’s bedwetting. That relative, an ex-patient of mine who had recovered from his condition, suggested she should reach out to me. That was how they arrived at my clinic for her care.
During the initial visit, I recorded the symptoms listed below:
- Since birth, she had consistently been wetting her bed.
- She would dream as though she were at the urinal and soaked her bed.
- She experienced immense fear, which prevented her from stepping out alone at their own dining room due to her fear of ghosts; she feared snakes as well.
- Her feelings were extremely intense, she cried readily and often expressed her needs while in tears, meaning she wept and sobbed.
- She desired sugary treats and also enjoyed fish and spicy dishes.
- She had not yet experienced her first menstrual period.
I considered the subsequent symptoms for repertorisation:
- Fear of ghosts
- Fear of snakes
- Weeping and sobbing
- Dreams of urination.
All these symptoms pointed towards sepia and sulphur, yet the ‘Vithoulkas expert system’ recommended only sepia.
November 18, 2013: I recommended sepia 30/6 doses to be taken three times daily for two days, followed by Nihilinum 30 for a duration of 14 days.
December 3, 2013: The patient was well. She did have one bedwetting incident in the previous two weeks. So, I recommended Nihilinum 30 for an additional fourteen days.
December 21, 2013: I prescribed only Nihilinum since the patient had no issues.
January 5, 2014: She was doing well, so I prescribed sac lac 30 for an additional month and advised her to take the medication for a minimum of six months. If I observe any recurrence or other issues related to bedwetting during her treatment, I will certainly inform you about the problem and the prescribed medication. However, I believe that she has already been healed and wouldn’t require anymore medication aside from Nihilinum/placebo.